Playwright: Thomas Bradshaw
Venue: Partial Comfort Productions
Starring: Starring: Andrew Garman, McKenna Kerrigan, Jenny Seastone Stern, KK Moggie, Brian D. Coats & Vincent Madero
Credits: SETS: Lee Savage; COSTUME: Whitney Locher; LIGHTS: Jason Jeunette; SOUND: Ryan Maeker


In this gleefully unpredictable portrait of New York yuppies the director May Adrales employs a lighter comic touch, establishing a slick normalcy that masks rather than draws attention to the outlandish world of the writer. Backed by a spunky pop soundtrack, scenes start with a jolt, gain momentum and finish with a twist.


In this gleefully unpredictable portrait of New York yuppies the director May Adrales employs a lighter comic touch, establishing a slick normalcy that masks rather than draws attention to the outlandish world of the writer. Backed by a spunky pop soundtrack, scenes start with a jolt, gain momentum and finish with a twist.

Time Out Top Ten of 2009