In this online interview, I was asked to characterize my work. Talk about my journey. It's hard to reflect when you are still on that journey, and every day is a deeper discovery to who you are. But if I am forced to look at the body of my work thus far, I would say that I am a woman who strives for a world that is just and equal. I tell small intimate stories that cry out for justice in hopes that it will have a larger impact on the whole. I am a woman who works to make beautiful the hard thorny stories of people who live outside the margins, who have never been part of a privileged class, who often struggle with their own identity amidst adversity. I am also a woman who finds a lot of joy in the world and tries to bring that sense of play to production as well as in the rehearsal hall. I am a woman who tries to make a connection to those I don't understand so that it might make me a fuller, more empathetic, richer person. I am a woman who believes that small ripples eventually make a wave. And every gesture of kindness manifests into something greater than itself. And that theater, even in its tiny black box spaces, is part of that great movement. ** Features work by Katori Hall, A. Rey Pamatmat, Sarah Schlessinger and Mike Reid, JC Lee and Thomas Bradshaw.